Faithful Servant: Why your choices matter for now and eternity – Digital Curriculum

Product Description

Open your students’ eyes to an idea in Scripture they likely haven’t heard before: that one day all Christians’ lives will be evaluated before the Judgment Seat of Christ. This one-session youth curriculum is built around a powerful dramatic video that will help teens understand the importance of living a life for Jesus, and how the choices they make will determine the eternal rewards they receive.


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Many teenagers make decisions based on what they think they’ll enjoy most in the moment. But that focus can derail their future happiness, both in this life and the one to come.

Faithful Servant—a one-session curriculum that explores what the Bible has to say about the Judgment Seat of Christ—shifts students’ attention to the joys and rewards that await them when they seek to live for God’s glory and by His strength. It provides a blueprint of how they can someday hear Christ say to them: Well done, good and faithful servant (Matthew 25:21).

Included components (can be combined for a 75- or 60-minute option):

  • an opening game
  • a youth-leader teaching time, with accompanying PowerPoint
  • a video teaching time, which includes a dramatic skit and Gospel invitation
  • discussion questions
  • a closing challenge

Drama details: 
The drama depicts two teenage girls, one of whom is grieving the death of her father, who was an artist. The girls discover his art journal, and through it they learn about a dream he had of the Judgment Seat of Christ and the rewards Christians will someday receive. The goal is to build a framework to examine what the Bible says about eternal rewards and inspire students to imagine the glories that could await them. 

This student curriculum is suitable for large and small groups, Sunday school classes, or retreats.

Your Faithful Servant download includes:

  • a leaders’ guide that contains:
    • an opening game, with printable game cards
    • a teaching script for youth leaders
    • a video teaching time, which includes a dramatic skit, a challenge to believers, and a Gospel invitation
    • discussion questions
    • a closing challenge
  • PowerPoint slides to accompany the teaching